Why green clean? You make sure to clean your vegetables before eating them and use the right soap on your skin for protection from the days damages. If you've gone through all the trouble in making sure your body is clean, why would you want to use a pesticide (like an antimicrobial soap) or harsh chemical (like bleach) on your desktop, kitchen or work counters?
Cleaning products are everywhere in our homes and offices: on dishes, countertops, furniture, clothes, floors, windows, and floating through the air. In our war on dirt and germs we may often actually be making things worse.
Most of the conventional cleaning products we all grew up with are petroleum-based and have dubious health and environmental implications. Instead of opting for cleaning products that annihilate everything in their path, there are plenty of natural products and methods that keep your world clean and fresh-smelling without the toxic side effects.
Commercial cleaners made from less harsh and nontoxic ingredients have increased in recent years, making this an easy switch. In most cases, the money you save comes from going “back to the basics” with simple ingredients like baking soda, borax, lemon juice and vinegar.
Try the difference today! Contact us today for a free consultation on how you can go green.